#wp7dev in the last month

If you’re a follower of the @wpug twitter feed you’ll have noticed that it’s been a bit quiet over the last month or so.
There are various reasons for this that I won’t bother you with. (I’m fine by the way-thanks for asking.)

This means that there’s been loads of news, articles, blogs, etc. which I haven’t been tweeting about. As I’ve just caught up on my reading lists this leaves the question about how to share the relevant articles? I considered drip feeding* them into the twitter feed.
This would mean that they potentially get to the regular audience and appear in the archive which can be a useful resource when searching (hint).

The other alternative is just to publish them here. This is what I’m doing.

* Not drip feeding them and just tweeting them all in a hurry would be likely to upset followers whose time-lines I end up filling.

If you think I should also drip feed them through the twitter account too let me know.

So, in no particular order:

The Big Dummies Guide for Windows Phone Developer Resources
New MVVM Light templates with bug fixes
Trying out the Inneractive WP7 Ad SDK
WP7 – Changing Visuals Based on Phone Theme with ThemeToStateBehavior
WPDev Sin: Pride
31 Weeks of Windows Phone Metro Design | #5 Choosing between Panoramas, Pivots and/or Pages.
Accelerometer Sensor for Windows Phone 7
Winning on the Marketplace: The differentiation game
Connecting to SharePoint on Office 365 with Windows Phone 7
Winning on the Marketplace: Finding the pricing sweet spot
Understanding the Required Artwork for your Windows Phone App
Creating a WP7 app: Caching urls problem
WP7 ShellTileSchedule, Secondary Tiles Update Problem
8 Must-Have Tools for Windows Phone 7 Development
Please ship your next Windows Phone app with GZip: speed requests 50-80%
31 Weeks of Windows Phone Metro Design | #4 Hub & Spoke Navigation Model
WP7 Application crash (in buy now!)
Tips and tricks when using PhotoCamera in WP 7.5 Mango
Windows Phone 7.5 Fundamentals: Ebook
WP7 PhoneGap Backbutton Support Re-visited
The Mango Videos
Signing up for a Windows Phone Marketplace account as an individual is easy peasy.
Windows Phone 7 – Browsing your Photos via Bing Maps
Breakdown of Windows Phone App Download Statistics
Windows Phone and PhoneGap – Article #9 – Handling Orientation – Part 1
Touch & Drag 2D Objects on Windows Phone 7
31 Weeks of Windows Phone Metro Design | #3 Ideation and Concept
A simple Windows Phone control for reading QR codes
Windows Phone 7.5: Using sockets
Windows Phone 7 Bloom Effect
Basic Ad Controls for Windows Phone Apps with David Kelley
HttpWebRequest (WebClient) And Tombstoning in Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone 2011 Retrospective
PhoneGap on WP7 Tip #5: Live Tiles and Deep Linking
Mango Sample: 3 Solutions to Formatting Problems
How To: Initialize a game on Windows Phone with XPG
31 Weeks of Windows Phone Metro Design | #2 The Design Process of a Windows Phone App
Resize images to be used on Live Tile – Windows Phone 7
New article by SilverlightShow and Andrea Boschin: ‘WP7.5 – Using advanced tiles API’
Using the Windows Phone Storage NuGets for Windows Azure
Let me out – Facebook Logout in a Windows Phone App
Framework Exceptions in Windows Phone
FastClick for WP7 – Improving Browser Responsiveness for PhoneGap Apps
InputScope changes in Windows Phone Mango
Recording of Webinar ‘Leveraging Windows Azure for the Windows Phone Developer’ by Samidip Basu
Using Cameras in Your Windows Phone Application
Windows Phone 7 Silverlight: Behaviors for TextBox
Slides for Webinar “Azure for the Windows Phone Developer”
How to open and work with large photos on Windows Phone
Adding Cookies to a Windows Phone 7 HttpWebRequest
A Windows Phone 7 behavior to show an image background for a search string
31 Weeks of Windows Phone Metro Design | #1 Metro Design Principles and Metro Design Language
How to Generate Tile Image from StackPanel
Beta of Amazon Web Services SDK for Windows Phone Released
HTML5 on Windows Phone: A Simple Boilerplate
Understanding the Required Artwork for your Windows Phone App
PhoneThemeManager: allow your app to have the Light, Dark, or Inverted theme with 1 line of code
Winning on the Marketplace: Where in the world are you publishing?
Windows Phone Local Database tip: Initializing the database
Bloom on Windows Phone
A quick look at MetroRadio: quick spacing, margin, and icon tips for Windows Phone devs
Inside Windows Phone #30 | Arturo Toledo is back
“30 to Launch” – launched
Silverlight Toolkit ToggleSwitch Databinding Bug
Review of Windows Phone 7.5 Data Cookbook
New Markets for Windows Phone Developers
Create beautiful and dynamic Live Tiles with Telerik LiveTileHelper
Windows Phone App Promotion and Monetization Talk Video
Windows Phone 7 + IronRuby + Online Library Hosting + Auto Updating = LiveLibs
Making sure your WP7 app updates successfully
A Festive and Fun Windows Phone 7 Maze Game
Waiting for Your Windows Phone Beta App
Tutorial: how to create HTML5 applications on Windows Phone thanks to PhoneGap
Windows Phone Local Database tip: Exploring INSERT performance–5 power tweaks
Windows Azure Storage Client Library for Windows Phone: Part 1
7 Deadly Sins for … Windows Phone Developers !
PhoneCore Framework: a framework for building of WP7 applications
Getting latest Tweets in Windows Phone apps using Twitter REST API and JSON.NET
How to get the Tapped Item in a MultiselectList control
Getting Started with Coding4Fun Button Controls
Advanced ApplicationBar for Windows Phone
How to cancel (overwrite) a successful Marketplace update submission?
Native, Hybrid or Web Apps?
New Videos Added to our Windows Phone 7 Library (Telerik)
Developer tool for nicer marketplace screenshots
Windows Phone: App Config Settings – Thinking Outside the Box
Introducing Windows Phone App Marketing and Monetization Newsletter
The Windows Phone Developer Conference
10 Reasons why mobile analytics are mission critical to a sustainable mobile strategy

Happy reading :)

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